MAP Kick-off Meeting in Espoo, 9.-10.1.2018
MAP project had its kick-off meeting at the main office of the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) in Espoo on 9th and 10th of January. All 10 partners were present at the meeting, the USGS via Skype.
First the partners presented their role and contribution, expertise and knowledge they bring into the MAP project. This was followed by presentations going deeper in the project themes. During one of the presentations, Scientific Coordinator Kalevi Rasilainen (GTK) went through the current method used in assessing undiscovered mineral resources and shared his vision how the process could be carried out with the MAP software that will be developed in the project. During the second day of the meeting, the work plan for the coming year was elaborated in work package specific presentations.
Photos: Veli-Matti Jalovaara and GTK