Invitation to MAP short course (FREE) in Levi, 1st November 2019

Assessment of undiscovered mineral resources – the MAP method: theory and examples

Short course in connection with the FEM 2019 confenrence
1st November, 2019 (8:30 a.m. to 16:30 p.m.)
Hotel Levi Panorama (on map), Restaurant Gold Digger 


Metallogenic areas of the northern part of the Fennoscandian shield.

Information of remaining, although yet unknown, mineral resources is becoming increasingly important for decision-making at country and regional level. Exploration companies need good quantitative information of the expected endowment in the area selection phase.

This one-day short course describes the quantitative assessment method and software developed in the EIT RawMaterials co-funded project “Mineral Resource Assessment Platform (MAP)”. The course also gives an overview of methods used in the assessment of undiscovered mineral endowment, including the three-part method, play analysis, and mineral potential mapping. Presentations on various aspects of an assessment are given, including grade-tonnage model construction and evaluation, delineation of permissive areas where deposits can exist, estimation of the number of undiscovered deposits, and carrying out economic screening of assessment results. Several examples of assessments and results from various locations are also presented.

The presentations are given by experts of MAP project partners (Geological Survey of Finland, Geological Survey of Sweden, Geological Survey of Norway, Iceland GeoSurvey, Oulu Mining School, Norwegian University of Science and Technology and Beak Consultants GmbH) and of U.S Geological Survey.

The short course is FREE for the participants, including free lunch and coffee breaks! The maximum number of participants for the course is 25. The participants will be accepted based on the order of registration.